Announcing a new look...
As I have been has taken a lot longer to get this site and the new labels done. But things are coming along. Here is a look at the new tea labels. The Bath and Bliss line are coming along.

I believe nourishing, often soothing tea blends are wonderful for us. Stinging nettles, for instance, are full of micro/trace minerals AND mucho calcium and magnesium, In just the right proportion so that your beautiful body can take full advantage. Something a calcium tablet, cannot say. Bio-available minerals, relaxing herbs, and herbs that can help with so many issues, are super beneficial when consumed as an infusion. MegaMineral is another example that you "infuse."
What's an infusion? It is a "long steeping" of an herb.
- place approximatly 1/4 to 1/2 cup of your choice of herbs, like MegaMineral, into a 1/2 gallon glass jar.
- Cover with nearly boiling water.
- Allow to sit and steep for up to one hour.
- Then enjoy a cup
- Then fill the jar again with water, does not need boiled.
- Place the remainder in the fridge and enjoy throughout the day and into the evening.
Some blends, like the SweetSleep, does not need to infuse. Simply steep a good pinch in your favorite tea pot or tea ball.
Until next time - Cynthia @ MedicineWoods